Friday, February 6, 2015

#6 behind the curtain.

For some reason this has always been a personal favorite. It's not technically perfect but there is just something about the subject matter that just appeals to me. 

Thursday, February 5, 2015

#5 Blue Claw

Just a simple Iphone photo while we wait for beach weather to come our way. 

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

#4 Dance

I've always been drawn to the physical ability of a dancer. Very athletic yet graceful. 

2005 at the University of Southern Mississippi dance studios. 

#3 Medium Format

So back in college around 2006 I was introduced to medium format film amd immediately fell I love. The one good thing about university with small photography by departments sometimes they have great cameras for students to use on occasion. Luckily I had the cha e to use a Mamiya and a Hasseblad for a semester and this is one of the images I took. It definitely has a unique feel to it and hopefully one day in the future I can get back to film. 

Monday, February 2, 2015

#2 Old or new

As I start this little third times a charm experiment I have a little bit of a condrum. Should I post old or new images first? It would be nice to show the beginnings and watch things progress over time but just going ahead and throwing the new stuff out there would be fun too. So let's just go with a mixture of some old and some new to get things started. 

This is an image I took while I was in school at the University of Southern of Mississippi. It was my first foray into night photography. 

Sunday, February 1, 2015

#1 A new start.

So I've tried to do two blogs before but they never quite worked out the way I wanted. I don't know what happened but they just kind of fizzled out and I eventually stopped posting. This time I'm going to do things a little different and make this stick and share something I'm very passionate about, my photography. 

This past week some really exciting things are happening and will continue to happen in my photographic adventures and I want to share it with anyone who likes good images and the occasional funny story. I will post daily one image along with brief story about that photo. It may be something new or maybe something old but always a new image. 

Hopefully this will be a successful adventure so be sure to check back tomorrow for the first of some good photography. 
